Earn Fast Cash on e-Bay with Your Hobby
Want to learn how to take your hobby or passion to the next level and make almost instant money on it$%: We learned how to do this on E-Bay over the past 8 years and have thousands of positive feedbacks to show we can help you learn how to use E-bay to make money. The more you learn about how to sell.. the more money you will have for dabbling further into your hobby or using on other projects you have in mind.

We have identified a 9 step Earn Fast Cash on E-Bay Process to guide you to successful selling. This article is going to briefly describe each step to get you started thinking about whether you want to undertake starting your own home-based E-Bay business. Following this article, there will be 9 other articles each one going into depth on a separate step of the process.

This process differs from other E-Bay Guides you can read about or buy that focus on learning how to find surplus, overstock items or items that other companies want you to sell for them. This process is about learning how to earn money with your hobby or passion.

Our experience on E-Bay started when our family room started to bulge at the seams with our 1950s, 60s, and 70s retro, atomic, mod, groovy, Danish Modern collectibles. What started out as a wonderful first experience of buying a set of jewel colored spun aluminum glasses (a blast from our past) turned into an addiction.

We now have a separate building to house an inventory that would make any collectors eyeball roll. What we have learned though is that we could still make good regular money on E-Bay without having this size of inventory and this is what we want to teach. Read through the list of steps to see if selling on E-Bay is a good fit for you and if so, return to Helium to read the nine articles.

Now blasting off to the point of this article, here's the Earn Fast Cash on E-Bay Process:

Step One: Develop a list of what you want to sell on E-Bay. Create this list by defining your hobbies and your passions. What would you like to begin selling$%: What do you know a lot about$%: Article 2 gives you an example of what a list like this looked for our E-Bay business.

Step Two: Take each of the items on your list and research E-Bay to see if the item is being sold and what is the typical selling price$%: Article 3 will give you real examples of what we found when we did our research on our list of retro atomic, Danish Modern collectibles.

Step Three: Open an E-Bay Account. Article 4 takes you step by step through the E-Bay registration process.

Step Four: Think about your process for receiving payment. Article 4 talks about the different methods of payment, their pros and cons, and walks you through opening up a PayPal account.

Step Five: Prepare to add pictures to your auction. Article 5 talks about set up a free service to host your pictures, photo preparation, and uploading.

Step Six: List and Item. Article 5 guides you through how to list an item including some basic HTML code samples that can be pasted right into your item description to help your listing stand out and grab attention, how to find the right category to list under, how to determine and opening bid price, how to list items so bidders know the quality and specifics of the item, and how to include your specific requirements for payments and returns.

Step Seven: Record keeping following an Auction. Article 7 talks you through using E-Bay's auction tracking system and provides you with insight on how to deal with customers after an auction has ended all the way through leaving feedback and receiving positive feedback.

Step Eight: Ship your item so it will arrive safe and undamaged. Article Nine is maybe one of the most important in the series. You can sell items fairly easily on E-Bay but getting them to the customer undamaged is a science and an art. This article describes all shipping options, their pros and cons, whether to ship internationally, how to track shipping, and how to pack items for safe delivery.

Step Nine: Trouble shooting. Article 9 defines some of the leading issues we have had in our eight years of E-Baying and provides information on how we found solutions to them.

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